Updating Documentation Pages

First off, thank you for considering to update the Documentation pages.

As some of the pages are automatically generated, below a very short How-To.

Update Modeling docs

The Modeling docs are automatically generated from the documentation comments in the Bach source code and the model hub source code, as well as several .rst files in the /bach/docs directory.

Please go to these places in our repository to make any edits to the comments in the source code and/or .rst files, and submit a PR. We'll then re-generate the docs & deploy your changes.

Update Taxonomy reference docs

The Taxonomy reference docs are automatically generated from a central schema file, which captures the open analytics taxonomy, and encodes validation rules, such as the required information for Events.

Next to generating the Taxonomy reference documentation, this schema is also used to automatically generate the Validation service, and the TypeScript for the Tracker SDK APIs.

Please go to the schema file in the repository to make any edits, and submit a PR. We'll then re-generate the docs (as well as the Validation service and Tracker SDKs) & deploy your changes.

Update any other docs

All other documentation pages are (currently) not automatically generated. You can edit them in the repo below, submit a PR, and we'll then re-generate the docs & deploy your changes.

Make edits in the Documentation repository